Pengaruh Metode Ekstraksi Terhadap Kadar Flavonoid Total Ekstrak Jahe Merah (Zingiber Officinale Var Rubrum)
Effect of Extraction Method on Total Flavonoid Level of Red Ginger Extract (Zingiber Officinale Var Rubrum)
Jahe Merah, Ekstraksi, Flavonoid, Kuersetin, RutinAbstract
Ginger is a medicinal plant that is used as a traditional medicine that has developed rapidly. Zingiber officinale var Rubrum is used as traditional medicine because it contains 6-gingerol, 6-shogol, zingerone, phenolics and flavonoids that function as immunodulators, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesics. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the extraction method on the total flavonoid content of red ginger extract with routine comparisons and quercetin. This research used maceration, reflux, and soxhlet extraction methods with routine and quercetin as a standart. Variations of extraction methods were carried out to compare the total flavonoid content produced from each extraction method. The results showed that the yield obtained was 8.08% maceration extraction, 3.5% reflux, and 6.8% soxhletation. The results were obtained with the content of flavonoid compounds from each red ginger extract with comparison of quercetin, namely maceration, reflux, and soxlet respectively of 141.379 mgQE/g, 158.466 mgQE/g, and 174.971 mgQE/g. Total flavonoids with routine comparisons obtained results of 92.497 mgRE/g, 100.166 mgRE/g, and 125.732mgRE/g respectively for extracts from maceration, reflux, and soxlet.
Jahe merupakan tanaman obat yang dimanfaatkan sebagai obat tradisional karena mengandung 6-gingerol, 6-shogol, zingerone, fenolat dan flavonoid berfungsi sebagai imunodulator, antioksidan, antiinflamasi, antipiretik dan analgesik. Penarikan senyawa metabolit sekunder pada jahe menggunakan metode yang sesuai dapat meningkatkan aktivitas farmakologisnya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh metode ekstraksi terhadap kadar flavonoid total ekstrak jahe merah dengan pembanding kuersetin dan rutin. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode ekstraksi maserasi, refluks, dan soxhletasi dengan pembanding kuersetin dan rutin. Variasi metode ekstraksi dilakukan untuk membandingkan kadar flavonoid total yang dihasilkan dari masing masing metode ekstraksi. Hasil penelitian diperoleh rendemen ekstraksi maserasi 8,08%, refluks 3,5%, dan soxhletasi 6,8%. Hasil diperoleh dengan kandungan senyawa flavonoid dari masing masing ekstrak jahe merah dengan pembanding kuersetin yaitu maserasi, refluks, dan soxlet berturut-turut sebesar 141,379 mgQE/g, 158,466 mgQE/g, dan 174,971 mgQE/g. Flavonoid total dengan pembanding rutin diperoleh hasil berturut turut sebesar 92,497 mgRE/g, 100,166 mgRE/g, dan 125,732mgRE/g untuk ekstrak dari maserasi, refluks, dan soxlet.
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