Asuhan Kebidanan Continuity of Care (COC) dengan Masalah Infeksi Usus
Continuity of Care (COC) Midwifery Care with Intestinal Infection Problems
The period of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, neonates is a physiological condition that may threaten the life of the mother, baby and even cause death. One effort that can be done is to apply a comprehensive midwifery care model that can optimize the detection of high-risk neonatal maternal. The aim of the research was to analyze midwifery care for pregnant women, maternity, postpartum, BBL and family planning. Analytical descriptive observational research method. A case study approach to the implementation of midwifery care includes care for pregnancy, childbirth, newborns, postpartum, and family planning (KB). The sample was a second trimester pregnant woman, gestation age 23 weeks 3 days, G2P1A0. Research time November 2022 – April 2023 in the working area of TPMB Bdn.Catur Widayanti, S.Si.T. The research instrument uses the SOAP documentation method with a varney management mindset. The collection technique uses primary data through interviews, observation, physical examination, MCH handbook. Research results Mrs. Z G2P1A0 gestational age 36 weeks 4 days with intestinal infection problems found complaints of feces mixed with blood mucus, stomach feels mules, rectum feels pain and has a history of fast food (junk food) patterns in the last 3 months. Labor received antibiotics for 5 days and mefemanic acid therapy. The postpartum period proceeds normally without bleeding, uterine contractions are good, lochia rubra, perineal abrasions, the mother is getting vitamin A. In newborns, the results of normal anthropometric examinations, negative SHK and passed OEA. Mrs. Z decided to use birth control implants.
Masa kehamilan, persalinan, nifas, neonatus merupakan suatu keadaan fisiologis yang kemungkinan mengancam jiwa ibu, bayi bahkan menyebabkan kematian. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan menerapkan model asuhan kebidanan komperehensif yang dapat mengoptimalkan deteksi risiko tinggi maternal neonatal. Tujuan penelitian melakukan analisis pelaksanaan asuhan kebidanan ibu hamil, bersalin, nifas, BBL dan KB. Metode penelitian observasional desktiptif analitik .Pendekatan studi kasus pada pelaksanaan asuhan kebidanan meliputi asuhan kehamilan, persalinan, bayi baru lahir, nifas, dan keluarga berecana (KB).Sampel adalah seorang ibu hamil trimester II usia kehamilan 23 minggu 3 hari, G2P1A0. Waktu penelitian November 2022 – April 2023 di wilayah kerja TPMB Bdn.Catur Widayanti, S.Si.T. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan metode dokumentasi SOAP dengan pola pikir manajemen varney. Teknik pengumpulan menggunakan data primer melalui wawancara, observasi, pemeriksaan fisik, buku KIA. Hasil asuhan didapatkan Ny. Z G2P1A0 usia kehamilan 36 minggu 4 hari dengan masalah infeksi usus ditemukan keluhan feses bercampur dengan darah lendir, perut terasa mules, dubur terasa nyeri dan memiliki riwayat pola nutrisi siap saji (junkfood) dalam waktu 3 bulan terakhir. Persalinan mendapatkan antibiotik selama 5 hari dan terapi asam mefemanat. Masa nifas berlangsung normal tidak ada pendarahan, kontraksi uterus baik, lochea rubra, luka lecet perinium, ibu mendapatkan vitamin A. Pada bayi baru lahir hasil pemeriksaan antropometri normal, SHK negative dan OEA lulus. Ny. Z memutuskan menggunakan KB implan.
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